Friday, June 24, 2011

Getting our daily doses of irons!

Hello friends!! I took a brief break from Boston in order to return to Ann Arbor for the annual College of Pharmacy Alumni & Friends Golf Scramble. I think that people were a little bit surprised that I would fly back for the event, but I’ve missed it both my previous summers and was always jealous when I heard people talking about what a blast it was. When I was asked to help coordinate the student volunteers for the event, I knew I could easily get out of it, being in Boston and all, but I also knew that I didn’t want to get through my time here without experiencing the golf outing at least once! Therefore, I happily agreed to help out with the event in any way possible.

Golf outing day started bright and early for me. Students were told to arrive at the course at 8 am and I wanted to make sure I was up to speed on what was going on so I could help direct them to where there efforts would be most appreciated. I spent the next couple of hours unloading cars, making sure students were signed up for activities throughout the day and otherwise just ran around like a crazy woman.

There were a few open spots among the golfers so I quickly offered up my services- it had been a long time since my high school golf team days, but I was excited to get back into the swing of it (pun intended)! I ended up on team Pharm Sci with Professors Greg Amidon and Steve Schwendeman and another student, a P3-to-be. We may not have been the most skillful foursome out there (we quickly realized that Prof. Schwendeman’s clubs are older than I am) but I think we definitely had the most fun. We took part in all of the student organization games- a Spelling Bee Challenge, Dizzy Putt-Putt and Beat a Student Golfer, but I think we had the most fun on the Sing Along. If you are good friends with Jenna B, you may be able to get a hold of the video that goes along with this photo- feel free to use it to blackmail me if I ever run for public office!

After the outing there was a dinner and silent auction and plenty of time to mingle with our alumni. People say it all the time, but it really is true- we have the best alumni network in the world! Everyone is so approachable, easy to talk to and supportive. In summary, if you are around next summer I strongly encourage you to attend the golf outing!

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